Smart Magnum Riesling

Harvest date  : 2016 Locality  : Stadtbredimus Dieffert Mention  : Grand Premier Cru Alcool content  : 12,5 % Content  : 1,5

Eng gutt "Lies" (a good "harvest" or "reading")
Magnum-Smart or
Smart Riesling or
Riesling Magnum

The box tells the tale of the marriage between literature and wine:
20 "smart" books by Kremart edition and a magnum bottle of Riesling of the Kox domain.
The ultimate gift for every book and wine lover.

Limited edition!

This project came into being through a collaboration between Kremart edition and the Kox domain.
Know more about "smart" book series.

Smartwine Etikett Web

88 €